3d movie maker 1995 mczee
3d movie maker 1995 mczee

Another movie, my Uncle helped out with Andrew and I was called Death by Image. It was named after our favorite band of the time, and would later be re-invented as Necro Night.


So one weekend in early 1999 when my cousin Andrew stayed over, we started a super gory zombie movie called The Offspring. I wanted to make movies people would never forget once they saw them. After watching a few of the movies I saw made by other people online, I was very excited and wanted to start something new with my movies. I discovered something very interesting – there was a 3DMM Community on the internet! People uploaded their movies, and other people watched them and critiqued them. It was around that time in 1998, when I first got internet at my house. Some of the limited amount of characters I could use for the movies. This happened throughout 4th grade, till about 6th grade. My cousin Andrew Murphy also got involved with the game with me, and we created a comedy series (with the retarded-looking Bongo character) called The Stupid Kid. With the help of my school friend Tom Siwula, who loved the game as much as me, we created some funny serial killer flicks – Captain Blood was his character(with about 12 sequels), and Body Bags and The Devil were the name of my series which had about 6 or so sequels each. In the last half of the 1990s, I was obsessed with slasher movies – Jason, Michael, Freddy, Leatherface, Chucky, Pinhead, and so forth. But there were still ways around it, because I wanted to make movies I loved. The characters were way too goofy looking to take seriously, I learned that early on. It was my attempt at a crime drama, and of course it was terrible. My first movie I made was called Dead or Alive. There was a limited amount of scenes, actors, and sounds you could use, so there was only so much you could do.

3d movie maker 1995 mczee